Form1 %WinSweep 1.3 - (c)1991 Nils Segerdahl """""" Form1 Picture1 """""" Text2 Command1 &Save Command3 &Delete Command4 &Copy Command5 Command2 &Quit Command6 Drive1 Text1 File1 Command1_Click File2_Clicka File2_KeyUp KeyCode Shift Drive1_Change Dir1_ChangeL Text1_Changew file2= pathO drive1A driveE file1 File1_Click text1 textj filename textstring ring5 txtstr Command2_Click Text1_KeyDown\ Text1_LostFocus Elsef, Panicking resps Picture1_Click text2 Picture2_Click textstr dotpos instring Command3_Click Command4_Click prmpt) errhandl errhand Text2_Change Form_Click saveindex! listindex Dir2_Change Command5_ClickZ filesize FILMAX tmpstr FileIOdemo ClientNameO errhand_cmd4 screen mousepointer filenam @ Form_Load Command5_LostFocus Command5_DragDrop Source Command5_GotFocus listcount Label1_Click Dir1_MouseDown Button Dir1_Click Command6_Click form2 File2_Click Drive1_Change Dir1_Change File1_Click .EXE file - Not viewable .COM file - Not viewable .bmp file - Not viewable .DLL file - Not viewable .pcx file - Not viewable TRUNC " byte" byte" Command2_Click If you like this program, please send" some money (eg. 25$) to me:" Nils Segerdahl rdsgatan 19B" S-752 30 Upsala, SWEDEN" TERMINATE? Picture1_Click WinSweep by Nils Segerdahl Command1_Click No file selected File wold be truncated!" Save file SAVE File" Command3_Click No file selected Delete file Delete File" Command4_Click No file selected Copy " Copy file" Copying...." errhand Command5_Click No file selected File not executable" FileIOdemo Define newline. Make a sample random-access file using the Put statement. Enter a name, using whatever form you like." Press 'Enter' with no name to conclude entry." FILEIOX.DAT" Get user input. Write to file.u Get user input. Read the sample random-access file using the Get statement. Check if records exist. Your file contains no names. Your file contains the following names:" Read from file. Close file. Choose OK to remove the created test file. Display message.m FILEIOX.DAT" Remove file from disk.e Form_Load Command6_Click